Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

The Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) at Al-Fayha College is a four-year undergraduate degree program excluding one-year Preparatory Year Program (PYP). The program has been designed for students who aspire to become business leaders and managers of the future. The program aims at developing a student’s intellectual ability, executive personality, and managerial skills through an appropriate blend of business and general education. Graduates are equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills, and self-confidence to assist in effective and successful management, within constantly changing and highly competitive national and international business environments.

Primary objectives of the program are:

  1. To offer students a boundary-spanning degree program that includes selected coursework from multiple business disciplines rather than coursework from only one discipline.
  2. To enable students to gain a broader understanding of the functional areas of business.
  3. To build competencies in critical thinking, analysis, and decision making in the areas of Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources Management, and Operations & Supply Chains Management.
  4. To develop an understanding of the legal, social, and ethical environment in which business operates, its impact on business, and recognition of appropriate responses to the environment. 

The program provides students an understanding of the major business functions including general business, management, accounting, finance, human resources management, marketing, analytics, and entrepreneurship. Students’ complete common courses in the first two years and choose a track from the following five tracks offered at Al-Fayha College:

Tracks Offered

  • Accounting
  • Finance
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources Management
  • Operations & Supply Chains Management

Accounting Track

Accounting curriculum prepares students for careers in auditing, corporate accounting, management consulting, governmental and not-for-profit organizations, and taxation. It equips the prospective business executive with tools for intelligent analysis, planning, control, and decision making. Graduates of this track have and will continue to be among the leaders of the profession and the worldwide business community. The accounting curriculum provides an excellent background for the student who wishes to pursue graduate work in business, public administration, or law. Because this curriculum is highly structured and courses must be taken in a certain order, interested students should select this track as soon as possible to graduate within four years.

Educational Objectives of Accounting Track         

The student who graduates with a track in Accounting will be able to:

  1. Employ critical-thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills to resolve complex business and accounting issues.
  2. Effectively identify and assess opportunities and risks, develop organizational plans, allocate resources, and accomplish objectives.
  3. Employ national, international, and historical perspectives to analyze accounting and business issues.
  4. Identify and respond to ethical issues associated with accounting and business situations.
  5. Apply the interpersonal and leadership skills expected of today’s accounting professional.

Finance Track

Finance curriculum prepares students for careers in corporate finance, investments, commercial and investment banking, international finance, government finance, insurance, and real estate. The study of finance provides students with both the theoretical background and the analytical tools required to make effective, value creating business decisions. As businesses operate in increasingly competitive global environments, and as individuals and institutions seek investments on a global scale, the core fundamental principles of finance and their applications become of greater value and importance.

Educational Objectives of Finance Track

The student who graduates with a track in Finance will be able to:

  1. Master the most current methods for analyzing, interpreting, and reporting financial information.
  2. Estimate short- and long-term financing needs.
  3. Prepare and analyze capital budgeting projects.
  4. Determine the value of potential acquisitions and analyze competitors.
  5. Describe the different dimensions of international finance.
  6. Use effective written and oral communication skills consistent with the business and professional environment.
  7. Think critically, analyze information, and solve problems related to complex financial issues.
  8. Use computers, financial software, and databases for advanced financial analysis and presentation.

Marketing Track

The Marketing (MKT) curriculum prepares students for careers in marketing, sales, and marketing research. The marketing track focuses on the study of all activities required to determine which products and services are most desired by consumers as well as how to design and implement programs to efficiently communicate and distribute products and services. Marketing students learn to make decisions about product design and quality, pricing, advertising, channels of distribution, and personal selling in ways to enhance consumer satisfaction and further the goals of the company or organization. The approach to marketing education is to provide a comprehensive set of courses and experiences that allow students to approach problems with a clear understanding of the marketing function as well as the interrelationships of marketing with other functions.

Educational Objectives of Marketing Track

The student who graduates with a track in Marketing will be able to:

  1. Critically evaluate marketing situations and make informed marketing decisions.
  2. Explain the significance of global markets and the universal marketing processes to develop global marketing plans.
  3. Relate how marketing has contributed to the political, economic, and legal environments of today’s global society.
  4. Develop competency in the technological applications used by the marketing profession.
  5. Describe the complex nature of corporate ethics and the social responsibility of organizations in the conduct of marketing activities.
  6. Demonstrate professional and effective written and oral communications skills.
  7. Develop the leadership skills necessary to function as a senior staff member in a marketing department or marketing agency.

Human Resources Management Track

Human Resources Management (HRM) track prepares students for positions in human resource department leadership, to establish and advance organizational policies and guidelines, and to utilize the tools and techniques for developing transformational work environments. The program prepares graduates to become influential business leaders equipped with the ability to identify, analyze, and solve complex human resource and management issues. It provides students with a thorough knowledge of the issues, topics, methods, and requirements they will encounter in the field of Human Resources. The fundamentals of management, psychology, ethics, and organization behavior; combined with advanced courses in employment law and labor relations.

Educational Objectives of HRM Track

The student who graduates with a track in human resource management will be able to:

  1. Conduct effective human resource planning.
  2. Explain the processes of job analysis, staffing, appraisal and compensation, career training, and development.
  3. Identify various performance appraisal systems and critically evaluate their pros and cons.
  4. Demonstrate cohesive team-management skills with a focus on the group dynamics of an increasingly diverse workforce.
  5. Utilize various processes and tools for bargaining, negotiating, and resolving disputes.
  6. Use quantitative and qualitative analytical research methods to evaluate human resource initiatives and solve problems.
  7. Develop effective written and oral communications consistent with the business and professional environment.
  8. Apply appropriate information technology to analyze problems and issues, develop business research, report key data, and recommend management strategy and action plans.
  9. Interpret and apply human resource principles in a global setting.
  10. Evaluate ethical, social, civic, cultural, and political issues as they relate to the environment of human resources management.

Operations & Supply Chains Management Track

Modern Operations & Supply Chains Management (OSCM) is about much more than operations and logistics. It is about developing, managing, and leading vital business functions and processes that are at the very heart of business profitability and growth. The discipline seeks to equip students with the cross-disciplinary knowledge and skills to succeed as a strategic supply chain leader in today’s sophisticated global economy, identifying, creating, and managing opportunities for reducing costs, driving growth, and building sustainable competitive advantages. OSCM is a relatively new highly specialized field in many business schools worldwide. The program offers challenging but rewarding careers. To succeed therein, general business knowledge plus an understanding of economics, accounting, business operations and strategies are essential. OSCM involves the flows of materials and information among all the firms that contribute value to a product or a service, from the source of raw materials to end customers. Business issues from procurement, marketing (channels of distribution), logistics, inventory management, and operations management are integrated to form a supply chain.

Educational Objectives of OSCM Track

The main educational objectives of OSCM program are:

  1. Prepare students for business analysis in manufacturing and service organizations.
  2. Prepare student to efficiently manage production scheduling, warehouse and inventory, logistics operations, and sales and procurement, and ensuring delivery of the right quantity of goods/services at the right time from the right source.
  3. Provide students with the basic foundations and the valuable work experience through the co-op training.
  4. Enable graduate students to support other managers in engineering, finance, and marketing functions to make the overall organization operate effectively.
  5. Prepare students for such challenges through education in subjects pertinent to direct supervision of tasks (line jobs) as well as support activities such as quality management, project planning, logistics and materials control.