Fayha University is a leading educational institution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, dedicated to providing high-quality education and preparing a generation of leaders and innovators. We strive to meet the needs of the academic and scientific community through exceptional educational and research programs.
- Student Services
- Easy Admission
- Innovative Research
- Student Support
- Academic Programs
- Student Preparation
- Preparatory Program
- Academic Excellence

years of experience

Journey of Success in Numbers
At Fayha University, we take pride in our distinguished journey and pioneering achievements that have been realized over the years. We always strive for academic and research excellence, working diligently to provide the best educational programs and services to our students. Our numbers speak to our unwavering commitment to quality and innovation, reflecting the successes we achieve year after year. Join us to be part of an ongoing success story.

Colleges and Academic Programs
At Fayha University, we offer a diverse range of academic programs designed to meet the needs of students and develop their skills across various fields. Our colleges encompass multiple disciplines, ranging from engineering and sciences to business administration and interior design. We are committed to providing high-quality education through advanced curricula and qualified faculty members. Discover the colleges and programs we offer and join us to be part of a distinguished academic community that contributes to building a bright future.

Our Vision, Mission, and Goals

Our Academic Achievements
Fayha University takes pride in achieving numerous academic milestones that reflect our commitment to excellence and quality in education and research. We continuously strive to offer distinguished educational programs that keep pace with modern developments, enabling us to support our students in reaching the highest levels of success and creativity.

"Fayha University offers outstanding academic programs that align with modern market developments. I am grateful to the university for preparing me well for my professional future."

"I have greatly benefited from the research programs at Fayha University. I am proud to have been part of research projects that contribute to solving societal problems and promoting innovation."

"My experience at Fayha University has been amazing. I received excellent academic support and continuous guidance from the faculty. The outstanding programs helped me achieve my academic and career goals."
Our Academic Achievements
Fayha University takes pride in achieving numerous academic milestones that reflect our commitment to excellence and quality in education and research. We continuously strive to offer distinguished educational programs that keep pace with modern developments, enabling us to support our students in reaching the highest levels of success and creativity.