Program Mission
The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Finance curriculum prepares students for careers in corporate finance, investments, commercial and investment banking, international finance, government finance, insurance, and real estate. The study of finance provides students with both the theoretical background and the analytical tools required to make effective, value creating business decisions. As businesses operate in increasingly competitive global environments, and as individuals and institutions seek investments on a global scale, the core fundamental principles of finance and their applications become of greater value and importance.
Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
Objective #1 Master the most current methods for analyzing, interpreting, and reporting financial information.
Objective #2 Estimate short- and long-term financing needs.
Objective #3 Prepare and analyze capital budgeting projects.
Objective #4 Determine the value of potential acquisitions and analyze competitors.
Objective #5 Describe the different dimensions of international finance.
Objective #6 Use effective written and oral communication skills consistent with the business and professional environment.
Objective #7 Think critically, analyze information, and solve problems related to complex financial issues.
Objective #8 Use computers, financial software, and databases for advanced financial analysis and presentation.