Program Mission
The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Business Administration with Concentration in Accounting curriculum prepares students for careers in auditing, corporate accounting, management consulting, governmental and not-for-profit organizations, and taxation. It equips the prospective business executive with tools for intelligent analysis, planning, control, and decision making. Graduates of this program have and will continue to be among the leaders of the profession and the worldwide business community. The accounting curriculum provides an excellent background for the student who wishes to pursue graduate work in business, public administration, or law. Because this curriculum is highly structured and courses must be taken in a certain order, interested students should select this major as soon as possible in order to graduate within four years.
Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
Objective #1 Employ critical-thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills to resolve complex business and accounting issues.
Objective #2 Effectively identify and assess opportunities and risks, develop organizational plans, allocate resources, and accomplish objectives.
Objective #3 Employ national, international, and historical perspectives to analyze accounting and business issues.
Objective #4 Identify and respond to ethical issues associated with accounting and business situations.
Objective #5 Apply the interpersonal and leadership skills expected of today’s accounting professional.